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Data Visualization Project


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Project Description

Welcome to my Senior Project page. The focus of this project is to utilize a large set of data and learn to visualize it using one of the many visualization languages. For the sake of this project, I have chosen to use D3 and JavaScript. The data I have chosen to visualize contains information on the universities across the U.S. I am going to create some form of an interactive map that users to access the data visually. I will continue to update this page when throughout implementation of the prototype.

Authors and Contributors

The author of this project is Alejandro Zepeda. My project sponsor is Professor Sophie Engle.

Data Set

The data set that is being used for this project contains information for post-secondary education institutions in the United States. This includes information on finance, enrollment, staffing, completions and student aid data for academic years 1986-87 through 2009-10. The source of the data is the National Center For Education Statistics. Here is a link to the original dataset : IPEDS ANALYTICS : DELTA COST PROJECT DATABASE

Individual Prototypes

I have been working on individual prototypes with D3.js during the process of implementing the greater app. Here are links to each visualization:

Alejandro Zepeda's Prototypes:
This visualization uses a scatterplot to show the correlation between tuition and total revenue. The data set used contains the top 50 universities based on total revenue. Link to first prototype

This visualization uses a scatterplot to show the correlation between five categories of the users choosing. The choices are tuition cost, total revenue, number of students enrolled, total employees, and control (private, public, etc). The data set used contains the top 50 universities based on total revenue. Link to second prototype

This is a current implementation using a map to show the states tuition, revenue, or average university grants given for the top 100 highest grant giving universities. Link to map prototype

This visualization uses a pie chart to compare the top five universities based on average university grants. The choices of values that can be display include total revenue, tuition, average university grants, average state grants, average federal grants, and average loan amounts. Link to pie chart prototype

United States College Information System

Here is a link to the entire project. I hope you enjoy and find this information useful.

United States College Information System